Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wedding-Brett & Valerie-Part 1

Ohio University in Athens shined brightly on this beautiful July day. The smell of gardenias from Valerie's bouquet gave a special accent to the love that was in the air. Brett and Valerie truly made the most of their day....enjoying it to the full with friends, family, and a rockin' band!

Her bouquet was so wonderful, it deserves two photos on the blog :)

The dress hanging in Galbreath chapel.

Little side note on the chapel. I had a 'first' this day. I MAY have...well, I DID, set off the alarm and the police had to come check it out. I think we should just go for 'props to the photographer' for being the first one there and forget about the whole breaking and entering thing :)

This necklace shot is one of my fav's...

This picture makes me feel. I love the emotion!

Brett and his guys. A totally great group.....

No doubt........Brett wrote his own vows.

Portraits and Party to come in Part 2............

1 comment:

  1. haha I almost forgot about the "breaking and entering" in the chapel! we were wondering what the cops were doing there when we walked in :)

    Cannot thank-you enough for being an AMAZING photographer to work with! We had the best time!
