Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Engagement-Jeff & Jessica

"Willing to travel for an engagement shoot?", they ask. Well, OF COURSE :) Thus began our trip to Troy, PA. A beautiful little town with hills and mountains, lakes, barns, and yes....good food! We had so much fun with Jeff and Jessica.

We started at Grandma's house. The view was spectacular.

Down by the lake..........

And, of course, a barn in the middle of nowhere...LOVE!

Just a quick shout out to Grammas' Kitchen. Jessica suggested we go there for breakfast. OH MY...the blueberry pancakes and the home baked cookies...YUMMY!

And Vinne's Pizza for lunch :)'s in the genes.

Studying for the Bar Exam.

No, this isn't their cat, but he was cute in the pictures.

At the end of the day, we visited the windmills. It was such a great adventure! Thanks for the tour and all the fun picture taking along the way. Can't wait for the wedding :)

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