Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wedding-Brett & Valerie-Part 2

Brett and Valerie were willing to go all around the OU campus for pictures. We were in an alley, a bar, the middle of the street, the park, train tracks.........totally fun for a photographer like me!

This wall on campus can be painted over and over again. This time it was for the bride and groom.

The reception was at the Ohio University Inn.

The Royales played and got the crowd literally jumping up and down with dance!

When Valerie said I could dance at their wedding, especially to MJ, I thought that was so cool. And then I saw this dance she did with her friends. Let's just say a little NSync was in the house :)

And this........well you will just have to ask Brett and Valerie!!

Many more years of dancing, laughing, and loving to you both!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wedding-Brett & Valerie-Part 1

Ohio University in Athens shined brightly on this beautiful July day. The smell of gardenias from Valerie's bouquet gave a special accent to the love that was in the air. Brett and Valerie truly made the most of their day....enjoying it to the full with friends, family, and a rockin' band!

Her bouquet was so wonderful, it deserves two photos on the blog :)

The dress hanging in Galbreath chapel.

Little side note on the chapel. I had a 'first' this day. I MAY have...well, I DID, set off the alarm and the police had to come check it out. I think we should just go for 'props to the photographer' for being the first one there and forget about the whole breaking and entering thing :)

This necklace shot is one of my fav's...

This picture makes me feel. I love the emotion!

Brett and his guys. A totally great group.....

No doubt........Brett wrote his own vows.

Portraits and Party to come in Part 2............

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wedding-Brian & Elizabeth-Part 2

How much do I LOVE it when couples make the time for some great photos? I Love it Alot!! That's exactly what Brian and Liz did. We ran all around downtown Columbus, then made our way to the Athletic Club for the reception. There may have been a little hot weather involved, but everyone just joined in and made it so fun for me. Thanks for the opportunity to get to know you as a couple, Brian & Liz!