Monday, February 8, 2010

Winter Storm Warning

So maybe I can't pick the Superbowl winner. I did get the spread correct....14....just the wrong way. Maybe I will just stick with my regulars...U.K. basketball and Nascar (Jeff Gordon/Daytona 500 ).

Well, got a little snow!! 8-12 inches depending on where you live in Fairfield County. It was very pretty so here's a little bit of what we saw in Lancaster.

"FLASH"........not so much lovin' this but he does look a little like a gray mountain lion in this shot.

The cemetery is close by and always beautiful in the autumn and in the snow.

Little sparkling diamonds in the setting sun.

and how keep in line with the smiley faces I had blogged about all week, I saw this random smiley face painted on a railing at the top of Rising Park mountain.

Views of Lancaster from Mt. Pleasant.

Fairfield county fairgrounds.

Lots more snow forecasted for the next 2 days..........we will see how much of this I can take before I run off to the beach with my flip-flops and bikini!

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