Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Personal- Smiley Faces and Mail

I have always loved getting the mail. It has been a daily anticipation for as long as I can remember. Maybe it comes from when I was a kid, living at the end of a holler (yes, I said holler) in Kentucky. I had to walk all the way to the end of the long dirt road, cross over a creek bridge, and up a hill to get the mail. On the way there, I would anticipate getting a letter from my aunt Holly, my grandmas, my Dad, or a long distance boyfriend.
On the wondrous occasion when I would receive such a letter or package, it would make my week! Yesterday, my aunt Holly made my week again. She sent a package filled with goodies like an old camera, a lighthouse book, and 2 smiley face mugs. These mugs used to sit on top of my grandparents china cabinet in their kitchen. They give me a happy feeling to look at them. To drink my daily tea from them takes me to a place in my heart that warms me from the inside out.

1 comment:

  1. I saw you out there taking this photo, and it almost made me wreck. I couldn't take my eyes off you and almost ran into a fence.
