Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Makeup Artistry

Yesterday, we had the opportunity to work with Ericka Reid. She is a makeup artist based out of Pickerington. She did a trial run on Jazmin and we were so excited with the results! We will be adding her services to our ala'carte list of fun things for our seniors (and anyone else that wants a bit of glam:). Combine some cool lighting, makeup by Ericka, a little editing, and WALAH!!!



Love the detail on the eyes!!

And finally......even more drama.

Monday, February 22, 2010

A girls weekend

February is my wedding-off season. This weekend Jazmin and I decided to fill it with a marathon of Gilmore Girls, swedish fish, CAFFIENE, chinese food, doritos, and finish off with an indoor beach party. I never watched Gilmore Girls when it was on tv. Holly gave me the series last year and I hadn't had time to watch it so I figured Feb. was a good month to start. Only a bad cold made Jazmin forced to cuddle with me and watch it. (15 year old kids don't cuddle so much with their mommys anymore). But when she saw that "Peter" from Heroes was on it, she suddenly became interested.......wonder why???

For a mom with a teenager, this was a top-rate weekend!

Friday, February 19, 2010

My Kid- YouTube video

My FAB daughter is a great photographer AND she is in a band. The band has many names....maybe someday they will decide on a permanent one. This youtube clip is from an anniversary party we went to last month. This was her first solo and it was in front of 150 guests. I cried.......

Be patient. Press play, then pause. Grab a snack and when you see the red line all the way across, press play again. It will take some time to load, but I say, "She is worth the wait"!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Old Cameras

No, this isn't an ebay post :) In going through some ideas about the new website, I decided to photograph some old cameras that I have collected. (Don't worry.....these aren't the ones I will be using at your photo shoot :) Anyway, it's funny how sentimental one can be over something as so simple. But here I go again, with a warm fuzzy feeling, this time thinking about cameras..........

This first camera is the one my Mom would use to take pictures of me when I was a kid. I would beg her to buy film and then I would dress up and make her take pictures of me in the yard. I need to find those pictures to post........
This next camera was my Grandma's. It even has her initials on the right side.
This camera was my Mom's in high school. I am not sure how much she used it.
Other cameras that have been given to me....by friends and family. My Dad gave me a nice big box of cameras. That was a fun day.

Old video camera.......just thought it was cool and I wish I knew how to use it.
My most recent addition. My aunt Holly sent this one to me. It works and uses regular film. I am so excited!
Anyway, it's the simple things in life that give us memories.........

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Icicle in the Sunset

Just when I think I have seen enough cold weather, I catch a glimpse of a beautiful picture from my front porch.
Icicle in the Sunset......sounds like it could be a little drink with 7-up, coconut rum, maybe a splash of pineapple juice and a cherry on the bottom. Or it could just be a refreshing view from your front porch. Whichever you prefer!

Happy Saturday!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


On a cold snowy day yesterday, these 2 cuties warmed my heart.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Winter Storm Warning by Max

This post shows how 2 people can be in the same place/same time and see 2 completely different views. Max got these shots while I was getting the ones I showed on yesterdays post.

I thought this was especially nice. I must have been behind a rock or something when he took this picture cause I sure didn't see it.

and there you have it...........Mt. Pleasant from a man's point of view :)

We got quite a bit more snow today. But I was inside taking cute little kid pictures. Much better!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Winter Storm Warning

So maybe I can't pick the Superbowl winner. I did get the spread correct....14....just the wrong way. Maybe I will just stick with my regulars...U.K. basketball and Nascar (Jeff Gordon/Daytona 500 ).

Well, got a little snow!! 8-12 inches depending on where you live in Fairfield County. It was very pretty so here's a little bit of what we saw in Lancaster.

"FLASH"........not so much lovin' this but he does look a little like a gray mountain lion in this shot.

The cemetery is close by and always beautiful in the autumn and in the snow.

Little sparkling diamonds in the setting sun.

and how wierd.....to keep in line with the smiley faces I had blogged about all week, I saw this random smiley face painted on a railing at the top of Rising Park mountain.

Views of Lancaster from Mt. Pleasant.

Fairfield county fairgrounds.

Lots more snow forecasted for the next 2 days..........we will see how much of this I can take before I run off to the beach with my flip-flops and bikini!

Friday, February 5, 2010

How I pick the Superbowl Winner

This is purely my opinion. Don't base anything on it. I am not held accountable for any lost bets.

1. If the Cowboys are in the Superbowl, pick them.

2. If the Cowboys aren't in it, look at the quarterbacks. Cutest quarterback wins.

3. If neither quarterback is that awe inspiring, go to the team colors.

4. Go with the colors closest to University of Kentucky. Go Big Blue.

5. My pick for the winner is the Colts.

6. Win by 14 points. That's how old my kid is.

And there you have it....very scientific blonde reasoning.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Personal-A few of my favorite things

This year I have decided to make my blog a little more personal. Photography is now my business, but before that, it was my hobby. For most of my life, I have kept some kind of journal. When I was a kid, I had a diary. "DEAR DIARY, I like so-and-so, do you think he likes me?" Then, from the day I found out that I was pregnant, I started a journal. I have kept that up for 15 years now. Jazmin will know what she did every day.....like when she was 3 years 5 months and 18 days old..."Went to the dentist. got 3 fillings. You said with tears in your eyes, "I love you, Mom". I had bought you a Bead Barbie for a surprise afterwards. I felt so sorry for you!"
So I feel the need to combine words with pictures to somehow journal little pieces of my life as a 30 something :) year old.

These are a few of my favorite things while I am 38 years 5 months and 12 days old.

Jillian Michaels workout cd's. THE BEST!! I have been working out since I was 13 and since it is winter and I don't want to get out and run in 5 degree weather, Jillian and I have become best friends.

I needed a book to read. Not knowing anything about this one (other than someone else suggested it on their blog) I checked it out and was hooked. "Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life". In a house filled with Star Wars and Physics books readers, I was delighted to find a book to suit me.

A new perfume. Jessica Simpson's Fancy Love. A gift from Max.

And, of course, a great new herb tea to go in my other smiley face mug from my Aunt Holly.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Personal- Smiley Faces and Mail

I have always loved getting the mail. It has been a daily anticipation for as long as I can remember. Maybe it comes from when I was a kid, living at the end of a holler (yes, I said holler) in Kentucky. I had to walk all the way to the end of the long dirt road, cross over a creek bridge, and up a hill to get the mail. On the way there, I would anticipate getting a letter from my aunt Holly, my grandmas, my Dad, or a long distance boyfriend.
On the wondrous occasion when I would receive such a letter or package, it would make my week! Yesterday, my aunt Holly made my week again. She sent a package filled with goodies like an old camera, a lighthouse book, and 2 smiley face mugs. These mugs used to sit on top of my grandparents china cabinet in their kitchen. They give me a happy feeling to look at them. To drink my daily tea from them takes me to a place in my heart that warms me from the inside out.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wedding-Michael & Aimee-Part 2

The smiles say it all!

The party started at Hickory Lakes in Pickerington. Beautifully decorated in hot pink flowers and twinkly lights. The favors were golf balls with their names and wedding date imprinted on them. Michael is a professional golfer.

2 cakes.........that's what I'm talking about!!

The rings posed for a couple different shots. I was a little indecisive about which I liked better so I put both of them in the mix.


Daddy/Daughter dance with a twist! Wonderful!!

The next 3 pics are called "Aimee's Kisses"......

End of the night dancing. It was a PARTY!!

Congrats to you both! It was so fun to be a part of your Hot Pink Wedding Day!