Saturday, January 29, 2011

Annual Winter Hike

Once upon a COLD wintery day.......

Last weekend, I photographed the annual Winter Hike hosted by Berger Health Care System. It just so happened that the morning of the hike, I woke up to -15 degrees! that is NEGATIVE 15 degrees! Everyone that knows me can tell you, I am NOT a cold weather girl. I love the beach, I love flip-flops, and I LOVE the heat. But I was committed to the project so I bundled up with about 5 layers, a snowsuit, hat, scarf, 2 pairs of gloves, Toastie Toes and hand warmers. I could barely move.

As I stepped out of the truck and made my way to the hiking area, I was blessed with these peaceful winter views. All the work it took to get there, was TOTALLY worth it. It didn't even matter that my mascara froze as it rolled down my face :)

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