Monday, November 22, 2010

Personal- Persimmons and Frosty Leaves

So I guess winter is coming. I saw all these frosty leaves in my yard a couple days ago. Kind of cool, but none the less, means winter is right around the corner. I am all about a good snowfall with sleds and snowmen, but to be honest, the day to day cold weather with no snow is not my cup of tea.

And of course, when I make a personal blog, I must talk about food. I saw a persimmon at the store last week. Never had a persimmon before........have you?? Anyway, it was amazingly good! How can I be 30 something (alright... 39), and have never had a persimmon before!

One more food shoutout.........Yummy Earth makes the most wonderful lollipops and gummy bears. I found the lollipops while at a photography seminar in Chicago. I have been on the hunt for some nutritional gummy bears. I recently read the label on the Spiderman fruit snacks I had been eating like crazy and saw the ingredient of mineral oil. What's up with that!!!? Anyway, I just found the Yummy Earth organic gummy bears and now all is right again in my little world of food.

Happy Monday!

ps.......I will be posting lots of weddings,engagements, and seniors in the next couple weeks. Just trying to catch up from a wonderful year of photography.

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