Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wedding-Mike & Melinda-Part 2

The sun shined and the smiles flowed all day. Ceremony to reception......and what a party that turned out to be!

Melinda couldn't contain her excitement as she walked down the aisle. I am happy she was so expressive! I can feel her joy......

What an awesome wedding party to be posing in the middle of the street!

It's so cool to find all the little treasures at each wedding. Stick pins with yellow tops (wedding color themed) to hold the name cards. I just loved it!

And the gift table. I know sometimes people wonder why I am snooping around the gift table, but really I am just looking for fun things like this.......

Now, I did mention party. Mike and Melinda know how to party. They aren't just in the party...they ARE the party!

On stage with the band......56 DAZE. What an awesome band!

So here's the wedding FIRST I mentioned in the last blog. Mike was asked on stage to sing with the band. Mike is in a band himself, so let me tell you, we were Impressed!! Have you ever heard a groom sing Billy Idol's "White Wedding"? Well, we did! AWESOME!!

And a thank you to all their friends and family........

I say "Thank You" to you, Mike and Melinda for all the fun :)

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