My friend, Shelley, suggested a day at Slate Run. I didn't know how well this was going to go over with a bunch of teenagers, but when I heard sheep shearing was involved, I was all in! I LOVE sheep! I think it comes from reading way to much "Far Side" comics and a sheep joke I have told for way too long but still makes me cry/laugh everytime I tell it to a group on unsuspecting people. Anyway, off we went. The weather was perfect and from the looks of this pic below they didn't hate it that much.........but then looks can be deceiving.......

I chased this little guy around for a few minutes to get this one below.


I don't think I will let him cut my hair anytime soon! The ultimate makeover..............

Shelley took this. I love it! I named this one BAAArbra. We bonded.

This is what I thought our girls would look like at the farm........

This is what they really looked like............

And what do these shoes have to do with anything??? Well, let me tell you...........after a lovely day at the farm, I stopped at one of my favorite shops in town and lookey what I found!!! These babies are worth buyin' a whole outfit for :)