Saturday, March 13, 2010

Personal-Road Trip

What do 30 'something' year old chics take on a road trip? Looks like some tootsie pops, dixie chicks,
disco music, and MJ. So here's the story.........SOMEHOW, my ipod is missing.......just in time for a chic trip. I am sad. I will have to rely on FM radio to give me my Bon Jovi, GnR, and JT fix. I haven't bought a cd in awhile. One doesn't need to in this Itunes age. So off to the library I go to check out cds. This combined with my friends cd's......well, here you have it. There are more, but this pretty much tells the story. Oh, and I did find T V's 100 most popular theme songs at the library. That can occupy 2 blondes for many hours. I will be blogging next time some fun photos from the trip, but this is how it all starts.............

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