Monday, March 29, 2010

Personal-Road Trip

So I guess this is how a girls road trip goes for me. Icees and ,well, the fruit topping...that is just the craziness setting in. I realized how much the sugar and caffeine equates to my happiness on trips. Jazmin, Shelley, and I to the beach in Pensacola. 13 hours one way. Two whole days on the beach, chasing birds and the sunsets, then driving back 13 hours. So worth it to get away!

None of us could pass up the colors of this bridge.

I know-it's litter. But for some reason, it looked like it should be there.

Shadows of Photographers.
I took this shot of Shelley. She may be Canon, but she is still my friend.

I want to post the random cell phone pictures when I get a chance. We got some great shots at Krispy Kreme....hats and all. Like I was good time! You can't go wrong with donuts and a camera.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Baby-Some Things are Worth the Wait

We wait for alot of things. Like tax refunds, a new Justin Timberlake cd, summertime, a trip to Fiji. But really the most precious things we wait for are given to us in the shape of love. When the camera clicked for this photo, I knew it was worth the wait. This smile equals LOVE.........

I have more from this session, but just wanted to start my Friday off with a smile.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Did someone say "CUTENESS"!!! Saturday was a lovely day. I got to run around with these 3 little gems. Their parents invited me to their home to get the kind of photos I love to take. Real Life. Kids doing what they do best.......playing. And, in turn, I get to play too! That's what Saturday afternoons were made for, right?!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Engagement-Save the Date Card

I LOVE to get mail! Yesterday, in my little mailbox, I received this totally cool Save the Date card. I have the privilege of photographing Mike and Melinda's wedding this summer. We did an engagement shoot a few months ago and they used the pictures from the shoot for their cards. I always love to see what artful things couples do with the engagement pictures we take. Sometimes, I see them as guest books at the wedding or photos with matting for their friends to sign or even framed prints for their new little love nest. I feel like I can be some small part of someones life by capturing the love.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Personal-Road Trip

What do 30 'something' year old chics take on a road trip? Looks like some tootsie pops, dixie chicks,
disco music, and MJ. So here's the story.........SOMEHOW, my ipod is missing.......just in time for a chic trip. I am sad. I will have to rely on FM radio to give me my Bon Jovi, GnR, and JT fix. I haven't bought a cd in awhile. One doesn't need to in this Itunes age. So off to the library I go to check out cds. This combined with my friends cd's......well, here you have it. There are more, but this pretty much tells the story. Oh, and I did find T V's 100 most popular theme songs at the library. That can occupy 2 blondes for many hours. I will be blogging next time some fun photos from the trip, but this is how it all starts.............

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Personal-Blue Skys

I NEED the sun!! and I am so thankful for the blue sky today. It made me so happy, I just HAD to stick my feet out the sunroof and capture the moment.

Happy Sunny Tuesday to you all!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Engagement-Brock & Jennifer

Let's hear it for eHarmony!!! The world wide web brought these 2 love birds together.

Brock initially said that he wasn't a big fan of the camera but I sure couldn't tell that from our wonderfully fun photo shoot. He knew just how to make Jennifer laugh. It is easy to see how eHarmony got this one right!

When I met with Jennifer, she said she would love to have a engagement shoot with a little snow and some downtown feel. Well, the Ohio weather worked perfectly for that scenario.

I love this picture! The playfulness, protection, and pure happiness I feel when I see it.

Goofiness....I am such a fan of goofiness. The picture on the left cracks me up :)

We ended the session right at dusk. Some city lights and a little "Fabio"

I can't wait to see what kind of fun we get into on the wedding day! Thanks, Jennifer & Brock, for a great Sunday afternoon!!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sneak Peek-Engagement-Jennifer & Brock

If you asked me on Saturday what I was going to be doing on Sunday afternoon, I never would have thought it would be laying on the Statehouse floor, laughing, with camera in hand. Thanks to Jennifer and Brock, that's were I was! Of course, more pics to come and a wonderful love story to tell you about. For now, here we are......laying on the floor :)