Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Let me explain. It all started when I was a kid. I would visit my aunt Holly and we would have fashion shows and all different kinds of themed parties. For no reason other than she loved me and we had the bestest of times together. And, of course, there were always pictures. There began my love of photography and silly but 'oh so memorable' parties. Sure my daughter and nephews may think I am a little off my rocker, but I hope someday this tradition will leave them with the same kind of heart warming memories that my dear aunt gave to me.

This was our Hawaiian Party last week. My aunt Holly left me with bags of fun stuff for just this kind of occasion.

And what Hawaiian party wouldn't be complete without a Bakugan cake :)

Little do they know that I am stocking up on Hoops and YoYo stuff for our next party. And for those who don't know about Hoops and YoYo, I strongly suggest you check them out at Hallmark!

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