Tuesday, December 29, 2009


That's my Mom on the left...Carol. Her cousin, Teeny, on the right. Both have passed away now. But memories live on. I have my Mom's high school yearbook. This page is clipped from the book. I used to STUDY this book when I was a kid. I had Mom tell me stories about all the people in the book. I loved to look at the pictures over and over again......pictures of people I had never met, but felt like I knew them just as well as my Mom knew them.

This was a play that Mom was in called Harvey....

I always loved this picture..

Little did I know that staring at those pictures would be a big part of my love of photography. It is the memories.................. sometimes that is all we have left.

Monday, December 28, 2009


So there's not much color this time of year but I loved this abstract morning view this past weekend.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It means so much to me when couples come back to have their new bundles of joy photographed. Last year, this couple took us with them to document their wedding in beautiful Charleston, S. Carolina. Just this week, they came back to Ohio to visit and gave me the privilege of seeing them along with their new little blessing, Zoey.

And as they don't stay little for long, these 2 shots are so important to remember.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Let me explain. It all started when I was a kid. I would visit my aunt Holly and we would have fashion shows and all different kinds of themed parties. For no reason other than she loved me and we had the bestest of times together. And, of course, there were always pictures. There began my love of photography and silly but 'oh so memorable' parties. Sure my daughter and nephews may think I am a little off my rocker, but I hope someday this tradition will leave them with the same kind of heart warming memories that my dear aunt gave to me.

This was our Hawaiian Party last week. My aunt Holly left me with bags of fun stuff for just this kind of occasion.

And what Hawaiian party wouldn't be complete without a Bakugan cake :)

Little do they know that I am stocking up on Hoops and YoYo stuff for our next party. And for those who don't know about Hoops and YoYo, I strongly suggest you check them out at Hallmark!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Personal- TOES

Ok....so they may not be the prettiest toes in the world. But they are my toes and I am thankful for them. A couple weeks ago, while on a photo shoot in the cold weather, 2 of my toes turned yellow......not sunshine pretty yellow, but the other kind of yellow. I was a little scared. But after 20 minutes the color started coming back. For a few minutes, I thought I may lose my toes! So for today, I will say how thankful I am that I could put my toes in the first real snow of the year.

P.S.........my toes would rather be in the sand on a beach in Fiji !!!!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dance-Fred Astaire Dance Studio Party

Last week, we photographed the annual dance party for Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Lanacaster. The dance was held at the Elks. Everyone that knows me well, knows that I LOVE to dance. So maybe I am not a pro, but I know how to have fun. I love that dance does that for people of all ages.

Chris Cloud, the owner, and his younger dancers.......

This beautiful lady was in her 90's......and still kicking up her heels!

Micah and Peggy.....

Dance and a hot pink dress.....how fun!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Today I had a shoot with these 2 little cuties. There are lots of sweet smile shots, but these pictures below just spoke to me this week!

Friday, December 4, 2009


I have known this family for a few years now and had the privilege of photographing one wedding, 2 senior sessions, and now the entire family. I love this shot of mom and dad :)

My kind of family picture...a little 'vogueness' goin' on .....

3 generations....

and real laughter...

This is one SWEEET pose :)

Mom and daughter... makes me have tears of happiness...

and yes...the ever famous O-H-I-O. Notice the cute little red dot over the I :)