This may be the most random post ever from me. I think this thyroid problem is making me sillier than even before. Last week, Jaz wanted to go through Burger King. So I ordered her a Big Kids meal, PLAIN, of course, and a Whopper Jr. After I ordered, Jaz asked who was I getting the Whopper Jr. for? I said, "I WANTED a WHOPPER JR. OK!" She said, "WHAT??" I said, "WHAT?" ......Did I really order a whopper for myself? I quit eating meat months ago and just forgot!!! Then I tried to pay the girl with my Sally's Beauty Card instead of my bank card!
Which leads to my shopping therapy theme. I am feeling a little UN-Amy. Shopping might help, I say to myself. But really, how many little black dresses does one blonde chic need???? I guess as many as she sees. 'It would look so cute with my cowboy boots", so yes, I bought another black dress.
And one last thought............I have been on the hunt for a cool Bon Jovi shirt for awhile now. Vintage, one might say. Well, Jaz just found this on Amazon!!!! May the shopping therapy continue on.....................