Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Personal-Shopping Therapy

This may be the most random post ever from me. I think this thyroid problem is making me sillier than even before. Last week, Jaz wanted to go through Burger King. So I ordered her a Big Kids meal, PLAIN, of course, and a Whopper Jr. After I ordered, Jaz asked who was I getting the Whopper Jr. for? I said, "I WANTED a WHOPPER JR. OK!" She said, "WHAT??" I said, "WHAT?" ......Did I really order a whopper for myself? I quit eating meat months ago and just forgot!!! Then I tried to pay the girl with my Sally's Beauty Card instead of my bank card!

Which leads to my shopping therapy theme. I am feeling a little UN-Amy. Shopping might help, I say to myself. But really, how many little black dresses does one blonde chic need???? I guess as many as she sees. 'It would look so cute with my cowboy boots", so yes, I bought another black dress.

And one last thought............I have been on the hunt for a cool Bon Jovi shirt for awhile now. Vintage, one might say. Well, Jaz just found this on Amazon!!!! May the shopping therapy continue on.....................

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wedding-Eli & Alyssa-Part 2

I will say it again......I can't tell you how much I LOVE it when couples are willing to spend just a little extra time for some "outside the box" photos on their wedding day. Alyssa and Eli were up for whatever we found. Fortunately they had a SWEET get-away car that came early enough for photos. And, of course, two of my favorite things.......weeds and a cornfield!

In keeping in line with the Old Hollywood theme, Eli and Alyssa made their own home movie in just that style.

I can't help it........I LOVE a photo booth!

Nothing like Daddy's words to melt a daughter's heart.......

A beautiful August day wedding comes to a finale. Much happiness to you both!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wedding-Eli & Alyssa-Part 1

From the moment I received the invitation in the mail to Eli & Alyssa's wedding, I knew it would be original. Actually, from the time I spoke with Alyssa on the phone, I had a feeling it would all click. The theme....old Hollywood. All the details made this into an extra special event for not only Alyssa and Eli, but all of us involved.

Where would old Hollywood be without red lipstick. One more extra special touch from Alyssa.

And just as a teaser for Part 2...........

Soon! Coming to a blog near you...........Part 2 of Eli and Alyssa's Wedding...Portraits and Reception.........

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Senior Pictures- It's the Season

It is 2011 senior picture time. The yellow sun is in the blue sky and the fragrance of the coming fall is in the air.

I started thinking about all the great people and places photography brings into my life. One day I can be on a cattle farm, the next day be on a football field. One day I can be in the weeds, the next be in the creek, or sometimes both in the same day. And once in awhile, I fall in the creek (like last week). My foot and leg were quite the mess, but the camera was saved and although there was some pain involved, it was still quite funny! It just goes to show, I put my heart and soul into my work.

I encourage all the kids to show their personality. Climb a tree, throw a football, play your guitar, or just be goofy. Here's just a sample of this years awesome seniors.........

And this one goes out to all the moms and dads that are there to support and help. We love our kids and that's just what we do.........