Monday, November 30, 2009

Senior Pictures

I say it all the time.......I love what I do. Senior pictures are no exception. This time of year, weddings come farther between, but we are hard at work with families and senior pictures. I just wanted to post a few fav's from the last few months.

and last but not least.....

she may not be a senior yet, but my baby will be that age all too soon! In the meantime, we have mini-sessions :) I love these shots from our day in Columbus.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Commercial-Buckeye Honda

Photography takes us many places. This time I had the privilege to shoot some "not-so-ordinary" business portraits for Buckeye Honda in Lancaster. Jerry Spires, owner of Buckeye Honda, came into my studio a couple months ago with a vision. He wanted to show the story of Buckeye Honda in photographs. They are a close knit company of family and friends. He wants his clients to see and feel that from the moment they walk in the door.

I think we achieved that together!

Jazmin took these pictures below of the photographs on the wall at Buckeye Honda.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Our New Ad Display

This is goofy me by our new wall at the River Valley Mall in Lancaster. My husband, Max, and I worked on the collages together and he got the pictures on the wall for me Friday night. The design was aimed at senior pictures but we just had to make a collage with wedding, engagements, and family pictures too. The one on the right is a mix of everything. We are on the wall in the food court next to Mark Pi's.

My daughter, Jazmin, took this picture.

Look how happy I am :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wedding-Jay & Ashley

Jay and Ashley's wedding day was full of rich colors. The weather gave us sunshine, rain, wind, and clouds...all to make the perfect fall day.

The invitations were uniquely designed and made by Ashley & Jay.

Look at the size of that diamond :)

I fell in love with this picture. So maybe I love shoes AND perfume bottles :)

Can you believe the burst of colors on their wedding day ?!

Ashley's red rose bouquet...simply classic! And with a mix of wheat bouquets for the bridesmaids, everything came together beautifully.

I love to see how couples use our engagement photos. Jay and Ashley made a personal guestbook with their pictures.

This picture makes me smile inside......

The stained glass window gave us color and contrast all in one.

The whole party....

The wind in Ashley's hair....oh so perfect!

The reception was at The Barn at the Backwoods. I love this field of green and the stormy sky.

I feel happy just to look at Ashley here. Who doesn't want to spin in a field in their wedding dress!

ok.....there is a story here with the shot below. Max ( my husband) has always wanted to take this picture. Jay and Ashley are great sports! Max calls this picture "The Harvest".

The Dances....

Some more lovely details...the bouquet at the head table and the flowers on the cake. Each table was named after a famous movie. I don't know if the Titanic sign was supposed to be upside down, but that's how I found it.........

Can anyone say "YAY" louder than me when you see candied/caramel apples with homemade pies all in the same place? SOOOO YUMMY!

The sign says it all...........CONGRATS!! Jay and Ashley------you were so fun!! Thanks for everything!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I just want to say Thank You to all the wonderful people I work with!! The thank you notes, emails, letters of appreciation, gifts, and all the things my clients do to make what I do for a living, something more than that...more than just my work, but my hobby, my passion, and just plain FUN!!
And, of course, Thank you to my family that works with me! You support me and put up with me .... and most of me........thank you!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wedding-Mark & Leeann-Part 2

I LOVED that Mark and Leeann scheduled to shoot at a couple different locations on the day of the wedding. The next 3 shots were taken at the Hilton in Easton.

Ask Mark about bunny ears :)

Leeann wanted to do a few shots in the reception room before all the guests arrived. This isn't always an easy thing to accomplish, but the Athletic Club granted our requests and this made for some sweet shots! The one below .....

and this shot to the left....

and the whole party....

I am extremely happy we could get this picture! The Athletic Club was sooo beautiful and all of Leeann and Mark's planning came together to make it so extra special.

The wishing tree and a canvas print from their engagement session made this table so unique!

The FABULOUS cake and personal wishes on the wishing tree.

How often does the sun shine in just at the perfect time on the wedding party table? Not every day!

The toasts brought out some good laughs :)

And they danced! Mark, I think we all love how happy you make Leeann!

As you can tell, I have so many favorites from the wedding, but I have to say this one below is way up there!
Thank you for having us share in your wedding day! It was Absolutely stunning!